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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Learn the Language of BPO

Many worthy job applicants lose out on promising career opportunities or promotions in the workplace because of their weak communication skills, particularly in the English language which is the language of communication in business process outsourcing (BPO).
The Philippines is known for its population of capable English speakers

English has emerged as the international language of business, commerce and technology, all aspects of BPO in the Philippines.

In the modern business world, English is no longer considered as a "foreign" language. English is accepted as worldwide language of communication: wherever an agreement is being done both internationally and locally. Read and spoken in more than 75 countries, English has over 2 billion speakers.

The main objective of using English as the language of business is to communicate a message as efficiently and effectively as possible, ultimately, affording people and organizations empowerment and success.

Having effective English skills can help anyone succeed: during discussions and meetings, in negotiations and presentations and through business correspondence (such as emails, reports and proposals).

Can anyone learn how to speak English well? Yes, all one needs to do is be committed to train oneself to speak English correctly, comfortably and confidently, as you speak your mother tongue.

And this can be achieved by involving constant practice in everyday living.

Here are seven training tips on how to speak English with a neutral, global accent.

1. Slow down. Until one learn the correct intonation and rhythm of English, best to slow speech down. Don't rush in speaking English, because speaking quickly, and with the wrong intonation and rhythm, people will find it difficult to understand.

As it is more important to be understood clearly, so take time in speaking clearly.

2. Observe and imitate the mouth movements of those who speak English well. This is can be best done when watching television, observe the mouth movements of English speakers. Repeat what they are saying, while copying their intonation and rhythm of their speech. Best watch news broadcasters in English and see how their mouths move as they deliver the day's news. Listen carefully to how they speak; their pattern of breathing and speaking.

3. The English dictionary can help. Familiarize with the phonetic symbols of the English dictionary. Look up the correct pronunciation of words that are challenging to say. There are online dictionaries that have audio files to listen to, that gives out the correct pronunciation of a given English word.

4. List down the challenging words. Write out a list of frequently used words and phrases that is difficult to pronounce and request someone who speaks the language well to help pronounce them.

Listen carefully or record these words to listen and practice saying them. Listen and read all together.

5. Pronounce the ending of each word, especially words with 'S' and 'ED' endings. This will help strengthen the mouth muscles as English gets spoken.

6. Read aloud in English for at least 15 to 20 minutes daily. It takes at least three months of daily practice to develop strong mouth muscles for speaking a new language.

7. Be patient. Have confidence that the way one speaks can be changed but also know it would take constant practice and hard work. Don't expect results immediately. Don't give up either. Put serious effort if success is the aim, both in communication and in career.

Being capable in speaking and writing in English is no longer just for top management positions; an organization's employees from all departments and management levels, from CEOs to receptionists, must be able to communicate successfully. Proficiency in English affords anyone prospects to advance in BPO Philippines.

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